At BGC Fort McMurray, we are dedicated to delivering exceptional programs and services to every child, youth, and family we support.
Below is a list of accreditation, certifications and programs we voluntarily comply with and participate in to maintain our standards of excellence.
Alberta Early Learning & Childcare Centre
Our Tiny Toes Daycare is a certified Alberta Early Learning and Childcare Centre (ELCC) program. Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) Centres support children and families by focusing on improvements to address gaps in the current system. All ELCC Centres provide supports for children with diverse needs and implement an early learning child care curriculum.
Alberta Childcare Accreditation
Our ZAP Out-of-School Care Program is a licensed and accredited Alberta Child Care provider. Accreditation promotes excellence in child care settings in Alberta and helps families choose the best care for their children. It is based on standards of excellence that reflect current research and leading practices to provide high quality child care over and above licensing regulations for children from birth to 12 years of age.
Certified Inclusive Childcare Facility
At FMBGC, all of our programs including ZAP Out of School Care and Tiny Toes Daycare are certified through Alberta Child and Youth Services as an inclusive childcare provider. Inclusive Child Care Programs create flexibility to meet the individual needs of children with special needs or disabilities within our Club. Alberta Child and Youth Services provide us with support which includes training for child care staff, consultation on programming or inclusion, resource and referral information.
National Peer Review
National Peer Review ensures clubs across Canada are achieving the Operational Standards and meeting Membership Requirements of being a Boys and Girls Club. Peer Review is unique in that it also celebrates the strength of our movement and builds capacity across clubs to share experiences, maximize resources and pursue promising practices.
Certified Rainbow Space
FMBGC has been certified by Pride YMM as a ‘Rainbow Space’ – an environment that promotes inclusiveness while offering a safe place for anyone in the LGBTQ+ community.